Inspection Letter FAQ

Will I be charged for this?: There will be no cost to you for this work

I don't know where my heat exchanger is: Contact the office (745151) to arrange for an electrician to visit. There will be no charge for this.

I don't know where my pump is: Contact the office (745151) to arrange for an electrician to visit. There will be no charge for this.

My pump doesn't look like the picture that came with the letter: Not all pumps look like this.  Yours may be a different colour.

I don't can't see the cable that you are referring to: Contact the office (745151) to arrange for an electrician to visit. There will be no charge for this.

I can see the cable and it is discoloured/misshapen: Contact the office (745151) to arrange for an electrician to visit. There will be no charge for this.

Should I switch my system off?: There is no need to switch the system off.

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